Bad parts of Go

Bad parts of Go

Enums (sum types, tagged unions or wtv)

  • go enums are error-prone, verbose and dont actually enforce type
  • more of just an alias
type Color string
const (
		Red Color = "Red"
		Green Color = "Green"
		Blue Color = "Blue"
// for some reason, this still works
var carColor Color = "clearly not a color"

This is because the compiler does not care since Color type is just an alias for string hence any string is a valid Color

There is no way to enforce this at compile time, so we are forced to write runtime checks

switch color {
case Red:
		// do happy thing
case Green:
		// do other happy thing
case Blue:
		// do other other happy thing
		return errors.New("wHY dIDn'T yOU uSe a vALID cOLoR???")